

資料:① 米国文献 Radioactive Waste Incineration: Status Report (放射性廃棄物の焼却:現況報告)②参考文献[1] A chemical basis for the partitioning of radionuclides in incinerator operation LL Burger - 1994 - osti.gov


① 米国文献 Radioactive Waste Incineration: Status Report (放射性廃棄物の焼却:現況報告)A. Richard Diederich, Michael. J. Akins - WM2008 Conference, February 24 – 28, 2008, Phoenix, AZ Abstract #8316 

One of the many technical challenges in incineration was described in a report on the behavior of Cesium (Cs) and Strontium (Sr) in high temperature processes.  These isotopes are important because of their prevalence in wastes at DOE sites combined with their active biological pathways.  The authors describe the problem: 
"Incineration, while only applicable to certain LLWs, results in large volume reductions and destruction of hazardous organic constituents.  However, incineration is becoming less attractive due, in part, to the difficulty in controlling emissions of regulated hazardous metals and radionuclides that vaporize at incinerator temperatures.  Once vaporized these species often nucleate or condense to form ultra fine particles (<0.1µm) that are difficult to collect at high efficiencies for even advanced particle control systems."[1] 
While increasing technical sophistication available for incineration allows us to have more extensive knowledge of the behavior of the processes within the incinerator, it helps to point out their limitations.  Control systems and treatment of off-gas and ash waste streams become more complex in response to the needs identified by the better understood phenomena.   As a result, costs of equipment and operation are subsequently increased.  」(2p 

② 参考文献[1]

A chemical basis for the partitioning of radionuclides in incinerator operation
LL Burger - 1994 - osti.gov
For waste containing small amounts of radioactivity, rad waste (RW), or mixed waste (MW) containing 
both radioactive and chemically hazardous components, incineration is a logical management 
candidate because of inherent safety, waste volume reduction, and low costs. Successful ... 
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